ZenDenPen Development News

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Beta Launch 27 January 2025

We've launched. There's a dedicated blog article for the launch.
You can now register an account which will automatically register your nickname on IRC, create a Wisdom INsights account AND allow you to edit your subdomain website.

Static Site Editor - Creativity Nook Project 9 January 2025

The fastest way to provide users with a seamless and easy way to get started with hosting your own website has been using a combination of the following

  1. caddy - for the static site hosting and subdomain handling
  2. filebrowser for uploading and editing files.
  3. a variety of linux tricks for bandwidth/disk space control to avoid abuse/overflow

These solutions work, are efficient (all tools used are either GOlang or other compiled programming languages), can scale, but present a few logistical problems with them which require adding extra complexity to the system.

After extensive research spanning many weeks of experiments I've came to the conclusion that it's easier if I would simply build a file editor and subdomain manager as one unit IN the zendenpen application itself It would greatly simplify everything and be eeasier to manage. The downside is the programming time required to do it.

A quick Protype was devised after 2025 newyear (Creativity Nook) which will be released as an open source standalone library/binary in the future
Simplicity is the aim. It provide the following features:

  • Serve Static Files per subdomain (virtual host) ex: example.zendenpen.com
  • Create new static file (html, css, javascript, other text based files)
  • Create directories for ordering
  • Explore directories, folders and files via a simple web "explorer" interface
  • Edit the static files via a web interface
  • Added a Beautiful and powerful web based editor (IDE) with the following benefits:
    • Syntax highlighting for HTML,CSS and JavaScript
    • This enhances code readability and helps identify potential errors. It also has a built in error handler
    • Autocompletion Provides intelligent autocompletion suggestions, including keywords, variables, and function names, to speed up coding. Usefull for HTML
    • Code Folding: Allows you to collapse or expand code blocks (e.g., functions, classes, HTML tags) to improve code readability and navigation.
    • Many other small features which we might be expanding in the future

This is exciting news, however, adding the necessary layers of security, authentication and management for users to be able to register/edit their own files is the next step.

Account Registration Updates 8 January 2025

Zendenpen IRC Nickname Integration

I'm excited to announce progress on integrating ZenDenPen username with IRC using Ergo's auth-script functionality! This integration enables a centralized nickname registry for a more streamlined user experience.

Currently, the system works well with SASL PLAIN authentication (username + passphrase). Ergo also has a built-in backup plan in case the script encounters issues. The documentation suggests that Ergo will then check the credentials against its local database.

This is promising for future development! If we enable auto-creation of accounts upon auth-script success, it could potentially provide a fallback login option in case the centralized authentication server becomes unavailable.

Wisdom Account Registration

Experiments to automatically register Wisdom Community account directly after ZenDenPen registration are in progress.

These will allow to create the accounts automatically from 1 place ensuring that your nickname is unique accross all these platforms.

Manual registration on Wisdom Forum & IRC will thus be disabled.

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